May 22, 2020

Dinner or Dump It

Dinner or Dump It

You have two mushrooms. One is edible. The other might kill you. Can you tell them apart?

Welcome! This flashcard slideshow challenge is designed to entertain, to educate and help you stay safe! It is both a memory exercise and a treasury of vital facts about our fungi friends here in the Pacific Northwest. It could even save your life!

In the latest member version (May 2020) you’ll find 92 different mushroom species presented in pairs. These pairs are connected by similar appearance—one edible mushroom, and its look-alike counterpart that is inedible, toxic or even deadly.

Each mushroom pair has a challenge slide followed by an answer slide. The challenge slide displays side-by-side images of the two mushrooms. Click the right side of the slide (or press your right arrow key) to display the answer slide. There you’ll see the same two images together with detailed descriptions for each mushroom. The descriptions include:

  • Latin and (if available) common names
  • Key identifying characteristics: caps, gills, stalks, spore deposits, etc.
  • Edibility
  • Habitat

Thanks for stopping by!

Hint: press your <esc> key (or click the darkened area outside the slide)
to exit the slideshow at any time. you’ll quickly find yourself here:


Remember to stay safe, and have fun! 🙂